Gold Solutions Partner

Interactive digital banners are game changers to boost user interaction and sales conversion


The digital landscape constantly evolves, and media and publishing companies must adapt to stay ahead. A key challenge today is capturing and maintaining audience attention, particularly for small and medium business (SMB) advertisers. 

Some of the major issues that advertisers face every day include: 

  • Shorter attention spans

Today’s audience has an average attention span of  eight seconds. This reduction means advertisers have a limited window to capture and engage viewers.

  • Banner blindness

The digital space is cluttered with static and animated banner ads. This leads to "banner blindness." Users often ignore these ads, making it difficult for SMBs to stand out.

  • Budget constraints

Advertisers are under pressure to do "more with less." They need cost-effective solutions that maximize reach and ROI without significantly increasing costs.

Interactive HTML5 ads can improve campaign performance

Interactive digital banners are essential in advertising today. They help capture limited attention spans, cut through the clutter and achieve more with less.

  • Boost engagement and lead generation

Interactive HTML5 banners are game-changers. Unlike static ads, they encourage user interaction. This leads to higher engagement and more leads. Features, including quizzes, forms and videos, boost interaction and often result in 15-20% higher click-through rates.

  • Enhance user experience with rich media

Interactive HTML5 ads use rich media elements such as animations and full-screen experiences. These elements make ads more engaging and memorable, helping brands tell their story compellingly.

  • Personalize with Dynamic Creative Ads

Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) tailors content to user preferences, enhancing relevance and impact. Personalization drives success, with 88% of U.S. marketers reporting measurable improvements due to personalized ad experiences.

  • Cross-device compatibility

Interactive HTML5 ads ensure seamless experiences across desktops, tablets and mobile devices. This flexibility allows for creative storytelling that adapts to different screen sizes and user contexts, enhancing engagement.

EKCS supports media and publishing companies in creating bespoke interactive HTML5 banner ads for their advertisers

At EKCS, we help media and publishing companies create bespoke interactive HTML5 banner ads. Our solutions improve ROI for advertisers and boost engagement, making digital campaigns more effective and memorable.

By embracing interactive digital banners, media and publishing companies can offer SMB advertisers tools to stand out, capture attention, and drive higher engagement and conversions. EKCS is committed to supporting this transformative journey, ensuring our clients stay ahead in the competitive digital landscape.

Contact us today to see how we can help you optimize your digital campaigns.