The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette has announced the launch of its Community Journalism Project, a philanthropic initiative that will provide the newspaper’s supporters an opportunity to contribute to its mission of informing readers.
With support from the community and readers, this new venture will help the Democrat-Gazette newsroom sustain its current level of coverage and provide opportunities for enhanced reporting.
“We are grateful to those who realize the value of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette and its impact on the civic health of our state,” said Eliza Hussman Gaines, publisher. “Many readers have asked how they can support our mission beyond a subscription. With donations, they have the opportunity to make an even larger investment in preserving and expanding local journalism in Arkansas.”
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette is the state’s largest newspaper and one of the last statewide newspapers in America. The family-owned newspaper relies primarily on consumer-based revenue from subscriptions, supplemented by advertising revenue. Despite economic challenges, the Democrat-Gazette owners have maintained a robust newsroom that provides a broad range of coverage, including of local, state, national and international events; business and financial news; sports; and lighter topics such as food, arts and entertainment.
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette partnered with the Arkansas Community Foundation to create the Community Journalism Project. Donations are treated for tax purposes as gifts to a Section 501(c)(3) public charity and are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Donations to the Community Journalism Project will be used exclusively to support newsroom operations and potentially fund new journalism ventures.
“Philanthropy is not new to journalism,” said Alyson Hoge, Democrat-Gazette managing editor. “Media outfits across the country and in Arkansas have done this for years. Philanthropy has enabled trained journalists to continue their work.”
Staci Miller, previously creative services director of the Democrat-Gazette, has been named the newspaper’s director of development for the Community Journalism Project. In that role, she will oversee its operations and fundraising efforts.
“I’m thrilled to announce that Staci Miller has been promoted to director of development solely focused on our philanthropic initiative,” said Mark Lane, president of WEHCO Media Inc.’s Newspaper Division. “Staci is a 19-year WEHCO employee who has a strong passion for our community, local journalism and the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. She is going to be amazing in her new role.”
The Community Journalism Project’s inaugural fundraising campaign aims to raise $100,000 in 100 days. To make a donation, go to
To learn more, contact Staci Miller at